Affiliate Program Terms and Conditions


1.1. This agreement The Associate is entered into between True Feel, hereinafter referred to as the “Company,” and you, the affiliate, hereinafter referred to as the “Associate.”

1.2. By signing up and participating in the Company’s affiliate marketing program, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.

2.Affiliate’s Rights and Obligations

2.1. The Affiliate shall promote the Company’s products and services in compliance with the Company’s guidelines and marketing materials provided.

2.2. The Affiliate is responsible for its own marketing expenses, including but not limited to advertising costs.

2.3. The Affiliate is not an employee or agent of the Company and cannot act on behalf of the Company or make any representations or warranties on the Company’s behalf.

2.4. The Affiliate shall not engage in any illegal, unethical, or fraudulent activities while promoting the Company’s products.

3.Commissions and Payments

3.1. The Company shall pay the Affiliate a commission for each sale or action made through the Affiliate’s unique tracking link.

3.2. Commissions will be paid on a [insert payment schedule, e.g., monthly] basis, subject to a minimum payout amount as determined by the Company.

3.3. The Affiliate is responsible for providing accurate payment information to receive commissions.


4.1. Either party may terminate this agreement at any time, with or without cause, by providing written notice to the other party.

4.2. Upon termination, the Affiliate shall immediately remove all Company-related content and cease promoting the Company’s products.

5.Intellectual Property

5.1. The Company grants the Affiliate a non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable license to use the Company’s trademarks, logos, and marketing materials solely for the purpose of promoting the Company’s products.

5.2. The Affiliate shall not modify, copy, or distribute the Company’s intellectual property without prior written consent from the Company.


6.1. The Affiliate agrees to keep confidential all non-public information provided by the Company, including but not limited to sales figures, marketing strategies, and customer data.

7.Limitation of Liability

7.1. The Company shall not be liable for any indirect, special, or consequential damages arising from the Affiliate’s participation in the program.

8.Governing Law

8.1. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of KALLAKURICHI.


9.1. The Company reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time. The Affiliate will be continued participation in the program implies acceptance of the updated terms.

10.Commission Suspended

10.1. Anyone who does not attend three consecutive meetings will have their commission suspended.

10.2. However, if the answers given by them during questioning are not acceptable the commission will be terminated.

11.Cancel your entire ID

11.1. The Company reserves the right to cancel your entire Id’s whenever Your Id is more than one and purchase from surrogate ID

11.2. However, Only the company has the right to see your Id produced after the commission’s enquiry.

12.Commissionable value changes

12.1. In this affiliate program the commissionable value of an item changes according to production, business costs and plan upgraded.

13.Age Criteria

13.1. I conform that I am participating in this company’s affiliate program only after Completing my 18 years of age

14.Group Abuse

14.1 Do not use this company group or user for any other commercial purpose or business product.

15.Assign ID’s:

15.1 Husband and wife are each assigned a single ID; they are not permitted to use separate IDs

16. surrogate ID

16.1. Whoever is found to be holding 2 IDs and above, then he and his team own the first ID, which is the company’s only power that makes final decisions.

17. ID Cancellation

17.1 To become an ID cancellation one must follow the following 2 conditions

a). There should have been no billing for a year 

b). Should not have participated in any business meetings for 2 years in our company.

18. Entire Agreement

18.1. I promise to continue contributing to the business under the aforementioned terms and conditions, which the business reserves the right to modify.

18.2. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether oral or written.

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